INFORMS Anual Meeting - INFORMS 2014, San Francisco (Estados Unidos de América). 09-12 noviembre 2014
Coordinated charging schedules of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) by an aggregator may lead to increased system efficiency in allocating resources in generation, transmission and distribution. Hence, we propose an MPEC to optimize the PEV aggregator’s decisions in different electricity markets, using indirect load control by determining optimal retail prices for the PEV. Results of a case study indicate that the aggregator’s pro?ts depend on providing the right price signals to the customers.
Fecha de publicación: 2014-11-09.
S. Wogrin, I. Momber, T. Gómez, Modeling decisions of plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) aggregators: an MPEC approach, INFORMS Anual Meeting - INFORMS 2014, San Francisco (Estados Unidos de América). 09-12 noviembre 2014.